Friday, January 14, 2011

Go Into All the Nations. . .

Dear Friends and Family,
A huge heartfelt thank you beyond words from our family and Nigeria team to you
all!!! You have loved and blessed us in a sacred listening to our
stories of our journey, with your financial support and most of all with your
prayer support!!! You teamed up with us...and we were strengthened and loved by
you...equipped to do something very special in NIgeria.

I am writing today to let you know that you can get a real glimpse of our trip
on today. See below link or go to Matt
made a very beautiful video that is posted on the site...along with an in-depth
interview, in which he BOLDLY speaks of his faith...and a slide show. If any of
you want to look at it, I think you will be very blessed. The video is about 10
minutes and the last 3 minutes are not to be missed.

Also, we were asked, extensively, by the media to talk about our trip before we
left...and we said no. After being there, however, and seeing the power of the
Lord and knowing that His name would be glorified, we really felt called to
share our experience. Matt had a terrible time getting the video together...with
every technical difficulty imaginable...we basically told him to forget it...I
am so glad the Lord had him persevere. I think his testimony will encourage
other young believers...feel free to pass this information on.

Thank you you watch it..or if you think about this today...pray for
boldness for Matt and other team members...pray for God to be glorified...and
for other believers to be really encouraged in their hearts...and of
course...for the ministry of gonigeria. Enjoy this glorious is truly a
gift...Love in Christ, Bev Barkley This is
the link pasted I hope it works to double click this.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

You Tube Video; Search "Glimpse Nigeria"

The team would pray that the one of the take away results from their mission video, would be to encourage you to participate in an overseas mission first hand, on the ground. Could be Nigeria (see Go Nigeria website for more info) or another African country. Many opportunities and great needs also in Latin America and South East Asia.

If you will just make the effort and show up, you will be blessed for a lifetime - guaranteed.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Home Safe & Sound

Dear Les and Team,

It was so amazing having you here with us in Nigeria!!!!!!!!
You all did an incredible job and we are getting testimonies daily about how you impacted so many! Our staff and needy children were so amazed that you would sacrifice your holidays for them! They felt so loved by you!!!
We are so appreciative of you and your extended families for allowing you to come.
We are also so grateful to your supporters = You brought us more supplies than any of our 170 previous teams!!!
Let us know when you arrive. We heard about all the snow in Europe and hope that did not cause delays?
Also, wanted to let you know that things are very calm in town and I will go in tomorrow to see how I can help.
We love you all!

In Christ - Peter (Fretheim)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Jos Bombings

from, Dec 26th:

New religious clashes broke out in central Nigeria Sunday, two days after bombings that killed 32 people in the city of Jos.

Authorities in Nigeria's volatile Middle Belt region are trying to contain tensions after clashes broke out between armed Christian and Muslim groups in Jos.

News agencies quoted witnesses as reporting that buildings were set on fire in Jos. Security forces were patrolling the area to contain the violence and disperse crowds.

On Friday, a series of explosions in Jos killed 32 people and wounded 74. Many of the victims were doing last-minute Christmas shopping.

Jos is the capital of Plateau State in Nigeria's volatile Middle Belt, a region where the mostly Muslim north meets the mainly Christian south.

Clashes between religious and ethnic groups have killed hundreds of people in and around Jos in recent years.

Plateau state governor Jonah David Jang said the attacks were aimed at sparking violence between Christians and Muslims that would interfere with preparations for April's presidential poll.

"We are going to comb every nook and corner of this city and ensure that these people are fished out and they are dealt with according to the laws of this nation," Jang said.

Nigeria's army chief said the explosions amounted to terrorism.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Pray for Peace in Jos

Received a phone call this afternoon from Les - the team left Jos this morning, all members are doing well. However, as they prepare to celebrate Christmas together (9+ Hours PST) in Abuja, they were informed that a bomb was detonated this afternoon back in Jos that killed at least five people and wounded 'dozens' according to Reuters News. He wanted to confirm that the team members were fine as well as any known in-country missionary contacts.

Please pray for the peace of Jos and its people, for the comfort of the families of the lost and for the injured to recover fully. Pray again for reconcilliation between the warring factions and protection of the innocents. That Satan would not be allowed to undo the work of our team by creating confusion and fear.

I was recently informed by some African missionaries on sabbatical that "Jos" is not an African name - the explanation for the name is an acronym for one of the first Christian missionary posts in the interior of Nigeria during the 1800s.  J.O.S. = Jesus Our Savior !

At this time of year especially, we are reminded why the baby in the manger was to be named Jesus for his mission into this world: "to save his people from their sins."  Alleluia!
And even from his birth, the Christ Child has many other wonderful names given from eternity that we worship and appeal to. . . "the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Prince of Peace."  At this time as our team leaves in their wake the blessing of serving and witnessing to the Love of Christ to the people of Jos, I ask us to again pray while appealing to the name of "Comforter" for his people in Jos.  If I may be so bold to borrow a phrase from Isaiah, "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jos, and cry to her that her warfare is ended."

There will be many great stories of God using our team when they return next week. He is good - all the time. Thank you for your continued collaboration with this mission team through your prayers.
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Religon Pure & Undefiled

Below is Kyle's response to an encouraging note from his dad on recent events:

I really am at a lost for words right now. I can't even begin to tell you all that I have experienced on this trip. From our trip out to Dogon Nahawa, where over 300 Christians were killed, to spending time at the Gyero Orphanage, my time here has been absolutely amazing. We have been at Gyero Orphanage the last two days and will continue to be there till Friday. Sam and I have been digging trenches for 3 hours the last 2 days. We got our first blisters today. The Nigerians call me the wrestler haha because Sam and I work with our shirts off. They love it and all are very hard workers. The children at this orphanage are unbelievable. We celebrated Christmas today. They sang songs, danced with me in the hot sun, and received gifts. Today was the day that we handed out the light glasses, bunny ears, and wands. They were a hit! I took some great pictures to send to your friend! At the celebration, the children (ages 3-17) recited all of John chapter 1. Verses 1-51! It was one of the most remarkable things I have ever heard. These children are so full of life. Every day feels like one big day of prayer. Praying over these children and talking to the males about being men of God has been humbling. To be able to radiate His love to every person I have encountered has been such a blessing. Tell everyone to keep praying. These children need us. We have 3 more days with the Gyero children. Tomorrow we head out to the prison. We will playing them in soccer which is going to be very exciting. I love you very much Pop. I pray that you recognize the true meaning of Christmas in way you never have before. That is the birth of the King of Kings in a MANGER. Born to a VIRGIN! Thank you for everything you do. You're my best friend.

In His love,   Kyle
p.s. I love you more!
Tell Lisa I love her and miss her and tell the girls that they are going to die over some of these pictures. The babies, the babies, the babies. The pictures are definitely worth a thousand words. Love to all.